Sunday, September 03, 2006
Goodbye to All That
Hello, I must be going.
I cannot stay,
I came to say
I must be going.
I'm glad I came
but just the same
I must be going.
For my sake you must stay,
for if you go away,
you'll spoil this party
I am throwing.
I'll stay a week or two,
I'll stay the summer through,
but I am telling you,
I must be going.

(click here for sound)
It's been a long, strange and wonderful ride here at Carrick to Calgary, but all good things must come to an end, and so must we. This is our 225th post in just over 2 years (1 post every 3.24 days or so, a bit more at the start and a little less recently we must admit), and we've had a great time recording our experiences here and reflecting on our time in Canada so far.
However, as regular readers will know, time has caught up with this blog, and we're no longer in Calgary. We moved to Edmonton about 2 months ago, and the frequency of our blog updates has dropped rather dramatically because we've been up to our eyes getting used to our new lives, new jobs and our new house. It's amazing how little time you have left to blog when life just keeps happening around you! However, things are starting to settle down again, and so it's time to get back to the blog.
We considered just updating our blog title to "Carrick-to-Calgary-to-Edmonton" but we thought it would be a bit of a mouthful. There were a couple of other options, such as "Welcome to E-Town" and "New Edmontonians", but in the end we settled on a title that we hope captures some of the spirit of our new home and the attitude we have to the experiences we hope to have in our time here. Edmonton is E-Town and the City of Champions, but it's also known as The River City, so ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our new blog,
River City Adventures (Go on, click it and have a look!)
We also took the opportunity to change a few other things about the blog. For instance, it always took a long time to blog using Blogger because we had to export the images from iPhoto, re-size and rename them, then upload them to an FTP server and then write the links to each image by hand. So we've switched over to using iWeb, which is an integrated OS X client which allows us to drag-and-drop images into each page. It's also got some nice themes, and allows better control over image and text style than poor old Blogger. Plus it integrates with iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie and Garageband, so it allows us to link images, music, movies and podcasts to our blog. Anyway, to cut a long story short, have a look at our new blog, and keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming posts.
So that's Goodbye to Carrick to Calgary, but of course it's also Goodbye to Calgary. We had a great time over our 2 years in CowTown: we made a lot of new friends and had some wonderful new experiences. We also had a lot of wonderful visitors and most of our regular readers managed to make it over to spend a few weeks with us. Our lives, our jobs and our careers changed quite a bit in Calgary, and of course if we hadn't been in Calgary we would never have ended up in E-Town. Don't get us wrong, though, as we're quite happy to have moved on from Calgary. The main benefit to having moved is that we now have our own house again and we've been busy taking bits of it apart, building other bits of it up and generally making it our own. There will be lots of pictures on the new blog of our various projects, so keep your eyes peeled.
So it's officially goodbye to the past, goodbye to Calgary and hello to the future and hello to Edmonton! See you over at River City Adventures!