
Friday, July 16, 2004

Sam White is 60! (Happy Birthday) 

Just a quick post tonight from a hot and sultry Calgary evening. The temperature's been touching 30 degrees (oC) today, and it hasn't really cooled off yet (it's after 11pm). All the windows are open and we can't get to sleep for the heat. After teatime the sun was shining on the front porch and the thermometer there was reading 38oC - WOW! Apparently it's now too hot for thunder and lightning, if that makes any sense. So anyway, it's HOT!

Yesterday was Dad's 60th birthday and P's 30-something-th birthday, and we had celebrations on both sides of the Atlantic. The new eMac arrived in perfect time (as carefully planned, thanks to TNT) and the webcam worked a treat - it was great to see everyone from home and to talk to mum and dad normally for a change instead of having to 'press the button to talk' on the useful-but-clunky iSPQ Videochat software. Everyone seemed have a good time at the birthday dinner, and we're really sorry we weren't there - here are some pictures which were beamed across to us yesterday:

Poppa Sam and the 3 degrees

The White Clan at the Cafe Milano (cameraman Simon)

P also had a wee party, and I arranged to go in to work late so we could have a birthday breakfast and official present-opening and then to come home early so we could spend the afternoon together. I had managed to convince her that she wasn't getting any 'stuff' for her birthday (we had agreed to go out for dinner and have a weekend at the hot springs in Banff instead, as we are now officially poor!), so she was pretty surprised when her presents appeared! She also got some lovely flowers from her mum & dad.

We ended up going out for dinner anyway, to an Ethiopian restaurant called 'Marathon' downtown - pretty good food but no knives and forks (you use small swatches of bread to pick up food from a big communal platter). We got soaked on the way back to the LRT (the "overground subway") by a passing thunderstorm, but it was worth it for the experience!

Dinner Ethiopian style (note the floppy dishcloth-like bread -and this is a plate for two, not just for P(!))

A wet walk home (I didn't bring a coat, of course)

And in other news:

Here's my new hat (it's actually an Australian-made hat, but it's quite the thing around town at the moment and it cost 60 dollars)

And here's me in my hat (I'm saving up for the rest of the cowboy gear - belt buckle next!)

Our sofas arrived like this:

and are now like this:

Hope Granny Brown in enjoying our old sofa chairs - P had been dying for a new one for YEARS!

We also got a new rug from mum & dad via IKEA - many thanks!

Oh, and lastly I had a little accident with the wooden chopping board and one of the electric rings this week, so now the board looks like it's been branded by some over-enthusiastic cowboy:


Weekend preview- Off to Bragg Creek in Kananaskis tomorrow and then on-call all day (& night) in the hospital on Sunday [I won't know what's hit me, probably!]

Now if we can just get to sleep in all this heat...


J (&P)

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