
Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Driving Test Stage 1 Result 

Wednesday night here, and just a quick news item from us folks here in Calgary.

We took the plunge tonight and went down to sit our 'Driving Knowledge' Test. We had been studying for it for a long time (at least 24 hours) and we eventually decided to 'Just Do It' without further ado. P did hers on a computer which gave her a running total as she went along, while I did the old-fashioned pen and paper test (as there was only one computer free in the test centre, which is a private-run affair, nothing to do with the government). There were 16 multiple choice questions on the Rules of the Road, and 4 on road signs. You can see a similar test here. You are allowed to get 3 questions wrong in total, so 17 is a 'passing grade'. Our tests featured different questions, but luckily we both got 17! A bare pass, but a pass none the same! We then had to do a vision test and then had our UK licences copied and faxed off to the Provincial government. We have to go back tomorrow to get our permits to do the practical test, which will be sometime next week. It's all downhill from here....

We both passed - honest!


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