Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Election Night Update
Update at 11:30pm Rocky Mountain Time, Nov 02 2004. It's starting to look bad for Kerry - most of the networks are saying it's Bush 249 - Kerry 207 at the moment (you need 270 to win), and that whoever wins Ohio will be the next president. Also still waiting for results from Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa. The only network we have which has 'called it' for Bush is NBC (update: also Fox), who says he has won Ohio (making it 269-207), but most channels say it may not be certain for another hour or two as there are another 1/4 million votes left to count. So it looks like we are going to be in for another 4 years of Dubya... what must the rest of the world think of the US now?
4 More Years

4 More Years
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