
Monday, January 31, 2005

Fully Cooked (Getting Off the Merry-Go-Round) 

Well, tomorrow is a Big Day for me, on paper at least.

6 and a half years ago (01 August 1998) I was appointed as a Specialist Registrar in General Surgery and was assigned one of the coveted 'training numbers' (there are about 25 in N.I. at present, and it works on a one-man-in-one-man-out principle, so there aren't a lot to go around). It seems like a long time ago now, and I've been round quite a few corners since then in research, in various hospitals around the place and now in Canada. When you start training, you get a CCST date (Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training ('planned finishing') date, which is usually 6 years or so away from when you started, give or take a little time spent in research, etc. It gives you a target to aim for, and also stops you from hanging on forever as a trainee. After 6 years you should be fully trained ("fully cooked") and it's time to get off the training merry-go-round, move on and give someone else a go.

You need 2 things to become a Consultant:

#1. You need to pass your Intercollegiate Examination in General Surgery (ICE exam). I passed this in Feb 2004.

#2. You need to complete your 6 years of Higher Surgical Training and be awarded your CCST. My date is 01 Feb 2005. Which is tomorrow.

Yikes! So if I was at home, I would already have applied for my 'piece of paper' (the actual CCST Certificate) about 3 months ago, and I would now have it in my wee hot hand, and be able to tout myself around for consultant jobs. As I'm in Canada for the next 17 months or so, I don't need to have the CCST and so I haven't applied for the piece of paper yet, but I'll hopefully be getting all the paperwork for it together in the next few months. As it turns out, there aren't any fantastic posts up for grabs at home at the moment, so I'm not missing out on any great opportunities by being over here for a while.

But in spite of all this, tomorrow is still a Big Milestone. It marks the end of my time as a trainee, and the start of the next stage. Time to take off the 'L'-plates...

Hi Jonathan,

Congratulations! The White family (USA branch) joins in sending you our love and best wishes upon the completion of your long journey to being "fully cooked."
Scott is here at the moment (in from California for a flying visit, and will launch a download link on the Gillian Welch website today!). Jen and her family were here over the weekend as well.
We are also wondering if you can do anything about stopping that cold Canadian air from coming so far south!!! All the best. Love to Paula. Uncle Jim
Hey, guys! Scott - you have great taste in who you work with - Gillian Welch is great! We're big fans of all her albums, especially Time(The Revelator) and Revival. Thanks to all the USA Whites for your good wishes on this auspicious day, whether you reside in a Blue or a Red State of your Great Union. J.
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