
Monday, February 14, 2005

Fighting the Mexican Gut-Rot 

Now that I'm all better again I can tell you about the awful time we've been having for the last few days. About 10 days ago P was woken at 2am by a bout of vomiting and diarrhoea - she was up all night long and couldn't go to work the next day, which was a Friday. She was still pretty sick over the weekend, but we stayed in and took it easy and she was well enough to go back to work on the Monday. I wasn't feeling too well over the weekend, thought I had a cold coming on, but compared to P I was feeling well. Then on the Monday night I started to feel terrible, and on the Tuesday I was so bad that I stayed home from work on an OR day, which shows you just how bad I was (never miss a day's operating). And then the vomiting and diarrhoea hit me. I just lay around and groaned all day, but by Wednesday lunchtime I was starting to recover and I had a little light dinner with P. The diarrhoea came back with a vengeance at about 11 o'clock and that was it for the night, every 5 or 10 minutes all night long. Absolutely awful. I've never been sicker, and I managed to keep P awake most of the night too. Having planned to go back to work on Thursday (another OR day), I spent the day in bed and had to take Friday off too. The whole week was lost - no clarinet lesson, no ice skating, no work, no concert (we had tickets for a Wind Band concert at the University) and no night on call on Friday night, so no income for this fortnight. Sigh. Turns out that one of P's staff had been to Mexico and picked up a nasty stomach bug. He got it 3 days after his wife, P got it 3 days after him and I got it 3 days after her. At least I think I'm the last person in the chain... Now I just need to get back to normal again. And the moral of the story - never go to Mexico!

Hi is that u Jonathan ? thought I would try your Blog site would b nice 2 keep in touch Marcella
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