Friday, May 27, 2005
The Summer is A'Comin'!
Friday 27 May 2005, 13:00 Rocky Mountain Time
On-call today, the first of three (THREE!) Fridays in a row, which is good news for the bank manager but not for me. At least once June 11th comes I have almost 6 weeks on-call-free before my next night on July 21st, which will allow me to go to the UK and back, and celebrate P's (and Dad's) birthday without having to swap any nights.
After a fairly dismal Victoria Day holiday (dark and overcast, with cold winds and no sun) the weather has taken a turn for the better and for the last couple of days it's been clear blue skies, warm winds and temperatures reaching +21 in the afternoons. We've even brought the plants up out of the basement to put them on the deck, it's so warm, as the chances of a surprise frost seem to be diminishing daily. Not that we can't get a sudden snowstorm in June or July, you understand. Oh, and we have a new lodger, a little red-breasted bird (maybe an American robin) who has taken up residence in the joists under the deck. Every time we walk out on the deck, there's a flurry of feathers and our little friend shoots out from under the deck to perch on the back fence until we go in again.
The Queen had a fairly nasty time of it in Edmonton, torrential rain and only +7, which meant that only 25,000 Edmontonians turned up to greet her. She only had part of Wednesday in Calgary, and tickets were snapped up in a few minutes for her brief stop at the Saddledome. Come 4pm, they closed the roads and Liz and Phil were whizzed off to the airport to their waiting plane back home again.
Anyway, we have decided that 'Summer's Comin' In' as last night we got the tables and chairs out of the basement, dusted them off (we've been using the table for potting plants!) and put them back on deck, so we could have our tea sitting in the sunny evening warmth. We even had a classical summer BBQ staple, chicken on skewers, to reinforce the summer feeling:

First deck dinner of the year!
We've also been out and about the country recently - Bowness Park is really coming to life with the warmer weather, loads of kids, open-air BBQs everywhere, the river is high with all the melt water and the lagoon has been refilled so that the boats can go on it. This weekend we're planning to rent a canoe and go for a bit of a paddle, weather perimitting.

Sitting on the edge of the Bow

Ice Cream at the Lagoon

Bowness Lagoon in February - seems like another world
We've also been to Sunnyside Garden Centre a few times to get our gardening supplies, and we noticed this sign:

If you can't make it out, it says"
Sunnyside Weather Station
If Rock is Wet-------------------------Raining
If Rock is Warm------------------------Sunny
If Rock is Cold------------------------Overcast
If Rock is White-----------------------Snowing
If Rock is Swinging--------------------Windy
If Rock is Bouncing--------------------Earthquake
If Rock is Gone------------------------Weather Station is closed for today
Better go and do some work, more later if possible,
On-call today, the first of three (THREE!) Fridays in a row, which is good news for the bank manager but not for me. At least once June 11th comes I have almost 6 weeks on-call-free before my next night on July 21st, which will allow me to go to the UK and back, and celebrate P's (and Dad's) birthday without having to swap any nights.
After a fairly dismal Victoria Day holiday (dark and overcast, with cold winds and no sun) the weather has taken a turn for the better and for the last couple of days it's been clear blue skies, warm winds and temperatures reaching +21 in the afternoons. We've even brought the plants up out of the basement to put them on the deck, it's so warm, as the chances of a surprise frost seem to be diminishing daily. Not that we can't get a sudden snowstorm in June or July, you understand. Oh, and we have a new lodger, a little red-breasted bird (maybe an American robin) who has taken up residence in the joists under the deck. Every time we walk out on the deck, there's a flurry of feathers and our little friend shoots out from under the deck to perch on the back fence until we go in again.
The Queen had a fairly nasty time of it in Edmonton, torrential rain and only +7, which meant that only 25,000 Edmontonians turned up to greet her. She only had part of Wednesday in Calgary, and tickets were snapped up in a few minutes for her brief stop at the Saddledome. Come 4pm, they closed the roads and Liz and Phil were whizzed off to the airport to their waiting plane back home again.
Anyway, we have decided that 'Summer's Comin' In' as last night we got the tables and chairs out of the basement, dusted them off (we've been using the table for potting plants!) and put them back on deck, so we could have our tea sitting in the sunny evening warmth. We even had a classical summer BBQ staple, chicken on skewers, to reinforce the summer feeling:
First deck dinner of the year!
We've also been out and about the country recently - Bowness Park is really coming to life with the warmer weather, loads of kids, open-air BBQs everywhere, the river is high with all the melt water and the lagoon has been refilled so that the boats can go on it. This weekend we're planning to rent a canoe and go for a bit of a paddle, weather perimitting.

Sitting on the edge of the Bow

Ice Cream at the Lagoon
Bowness Lagoon in February - seems like another world
We've also been to Sunnyside Garden Centre a few times to get our gardening supplies, and we noticed this sign:

If you can't make it out, it says"
Sunnyside Weather Station
If Rock is Wet-------------------------Raining
If Rock is Warm------------------------Sunny
If Rock is Cold------------------------Overcast
If Rock is White-----------------------Snowing
If Rock is Swinging--------------------Windy
If Rock is Bouncing--------------------Earthquake
If Rock is Gone------------------------Weather Station is closed for today
Better go and do some work, more later if possible,
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