
Saturday, July 02, 2005

Canadian Affair are pants... 

Just a very quick post to express my disgust at Canadian Affair's inability to act like a proper airline. Mr White was supposed to be leaving Calgary this evening, to connect with an Easyjet flight tomorrow to get to Belfast by Sunday tea-time - giving him enough time to visit an ill granny in hospital, see some relatives, and then get a train on Monday evening to a conference in Dublin. However, true to form, Canadian Affair have a broken plane sitting in Vancouver which means that their flight will be delayed by at least 12 hours (they think)... that means the cost of the flight connection to Belfast is lost (Canadian Affair take no responsibility for connecting flights), pre-booked train tickets from Belfast to Dublin are lost, opportunity to see friends and family is lost... all on top of the hassle involved in trying to make and pay for new arrangements... simply because Canadian Affair are a totally incompetent bunch of *******s - yes, I AM CROSS!

If this had been the first time that there had been any trouble, we would have put it down to chance - however, last summer, J's mum and dad were delayed by 14 hours going home; a couple of weeks ago, Canadian Affair lost the car seat that Simon and Sandy had brought with them; and a year ago, when we were due to leave home, Canadian Affair phoned to say that our flight to Canada was cancelled.... so we ended up leaving home 2 days earlier than planned, having to stay overnight in a crappy hotel in Manchester, and losing the premium seats that we had paid for.

Okay - so the flights are a little cheaper than with Air Canada, but I'm just not very sure that it is worth the bother.....

More later


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