
Saturday, July 23, 2005

a garden in Calgary 

Just a very very quick post here on yet another warm and sunny day. After some trepidation about container gardening on our deck way up in the sky, here are the results so far. Its all looking quite promising, and (fingers crossed for no frost in August), we might even get a tomato or two off the plants which are doing very well.

This is a large pot with two tomato plants and a courgette (or zucchini) - shows you how confident I was that we would have growth - I kind of figured one of the plants in this pot might do well, but they've all taken off...

Small trough of carrots - the seeds come on a kind of biodegradable tape - you put the tape in the soil, cover it with more soil and the tape dissolves, allowing the seeds to grow. Mind you, the trough is kind of shallow - I think I bought 'stumpy' carrot seeds, but time will tell...

A riot of yellow and orange...

This one didn't do too well - there were three courgette seeds planted in here, but only one took off. The pot is a good holder for oil lamps though...

Parsley - what more can I say?

Okay - that's it for now.... many more pictures and commentary to come from our trip to Jasper last weekend - stand by for bears, elk and two men in a boat!


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