
Sunday, July 03, 2005

An Unexpected Sunday in Calgary 

J here. Canadian Affair have really outdone themselves this time! I am now facing a monster 23-HOUR delay! At least it's not so bad as I am actually at home and got a good night's sleep in my own bed, rather than being stuck in some ratty hotel. The flight is scheduled to take off in a nice new airplane, not the one that broke down in Vancouver, leaving Calgary at about 7pm. This will get in to Gatwick at about 11am UK time which is too late to get the morning Easyjet flight to Belfast. The next flight to Belfast only gets in at 5pm, which is too late to get my train to to Dublin. I have looked at FlyBe flights too, but the best one of these gets into Belfast after 2pm, which only gives me 2 or 3 hours before it's time to go again! At the end of the day, the only option that makes any sense is to cut out the Belfast leg entirely, cancel my Enterprise ticket, fly straight into Dublin airport and get to my hotel (which is non-refundable anyway) in time for the meeting which starts at 8am on Tuesday. I will then be home (well, at Central Station) definitely (unless the Enterprise breaks down!) on Thursday night at about 9pm! I will have the webcam with me in Dublin though, so I should be able to keep in touch. I'm sorry that I won't get to see any of you (and especially Granny B) for a couple more days, but hopefully our re-union will keep for a bit longer yet.

See you soon (but not as soon as I thought!)


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