Sunday, August 07, 2005
Powderface Trail Adventure (Lawless Britain)
Monday lunchtime here, getting back in the saddle at work. Quite a warm weekend, Saturday the better day while Sunday was cloudier. Headed off to Kananaskis on Saturday, for a hike along the Jumpingpound Creek near to Sibbald Flats.

The Hiker

Where is it that we are now?
We headed west on the road that leads to Highway 40, but ended up taking a detour south on the 'Road That is Not Recommended for Travel', the Powderface Trail which hooks up the Sibbald Creek Trail with the Elbow River Trail. We'd been past this Trail before and chickened out of taking it, as it is a 36 kilometre gravel road with an effective speed limit of 40 kph, which means almost an hour of small-roads (on-road / off-road) driving. The road itself also looks highly dodgy, is miles from anywhere, is not well-maintained and is well-signed with notices saying 'Not a Road' and 'Drive at Your Own Risk'. We'd decided that the Honda wasn't fit the this trail, but on Saturday we were in the Jeep, so we decided to give it a whirl!
It turned out to be not too bad at all, more like a long single lane track with frequent passing places, winding through dense forests in the middle of the mountains. There were a few other cars coming the other way, and the driving conditions were fine except for a few places where the June floods had washed the road out or undermined a bridge a wee bit. We made it down to the Elbow River in under an hour, and took this photo to prove we made it:

Sunday was much more sedate, with the Farmer's Market and walking in Bowness. We cooked up a storm with some scallops and lobster we got at Bearspaw: scallops wrapped in bacon and done on the BBQ, and lobster korma ready for tonight. I also spent a lot of time getting my Dream Team ready for Big Roy's Fantasy Football League 05/06, about which much more in an upcoming post.
Two more photos before the end:
We've been picking up fridge magnets wherever we go this year, and are amassing quite a collection:

(Tiger Mask appears courtesy of Megan White)
Also brought a copy of The Sun home with me last week for Dream Team purposes (as it lists all the players) and couldn't help but admire the headline, LAWLESS BRITAIN. You just can't get papers like The Sun in Canada. This front page is just a classic - the title in huge type, the map made up of frightening pictures (riot cops, terrorist suspects, a knife, a blown-up bus, a paedophile) and 18 phrases which are aimed at telling us all what a scary place Britain is (I especially like 'Paedophiles living next door', 'Legal aid for the undeserving', 'Gypsies' rights over your land' and 'Free holidays for juvenile offenders'). And then the classic kicker about our MPs being on holiday! And then, just while you're in a state of utter shock about the parlous state of the country, don't worry because we have a picture of David Beckham's new tattoo inside the paper! It's a lot of right-wing tosh, but nobody does it like The Sun!

Get rid of Gippos/Asylum Seekers/Yobbos/Muslims etc.

The Hiker

Where is it that we are now?
We headed west on the road that leads to Highway 40, but ended up taking a detour south on the 'Road That is Not Recommended for Travel', the Powderface Trail which hooks up the Sibbald Creek Trail with the Elbow River Trail. We'd been past this Trail before and chickened out of taking it, as it is a 36 kilometre gravel road with an effective speed limit of 40 kph, which means almost an hour of small-roads (on-road / off-road) driving. The road itself also looks highly dodgy, is miles from anywhere, is not well-maintained and is well-signed with notices saying 'Not a Road' and 'Drive at Your Own Risk'. We'd decided that the Honda wasn't fit the this trail, but on Saturday we were in the Jeep, so we decided to give it a whirl!
It turned out to be not too bad at all, more like a long single lane track with frequent passing places, winding through dense forests in the middle of the mountains. There were a few other cars coming the other way, and the driving conditions were fine except for a few places where the June floods had washed the road out or undermined a bridge a wee bit. We made it down to the Elbow River in under an hour, and took this photo to prove we made it:

Sunday was much more sedate, with the Farmer's Market and walking in Bowness. We cooked up a storm with some scallops and lobster we got at Bearspaw: scallops wrapped in bacon and done on the BBQ, and lobster korma ready for tonight. I also spent a lot of time getting my Dream Team ready for Big Roy's Fantasy Football League 05/06, about which much more in an upcoming post.
Two more photos before the end:
We've been picking up fridge magnets wherever we go this year, and are amassing quite a collection:

(Tiger Mask appears courtesy of Megan White)
Also brought a copy of The Sun home with me last week for Dream Team purposes (as it lists all the players) and couldn't help but admire the headline, LAWLESS BRITAIN. You just can't get papers like The Sun in Canada. This front page is just a classic - the title in huge type, the map made up of frightening pictures (riot cops, terrorist suspects, a knife, a blown-up bus, a paedophile) and 18 phrases which are aimed at telling us all what a scary place Britain is (I especially like 'Paedophiles living next door', 'Legal aid for the undeserving', 'Gypsies' rights over your land' and 'Free holidays for juvenile offenders'). And then the classic kicker about our MPs being on holiday! And then, just while you're in a state of utter shock about the parlous state of the country, don't worry because we have a picture of David Beckham's new tattoo inside the paper! It's a lot of right-wing tosh, but nobody does it like The Sun!

Get rid of Gippos/Asylum Seekers/Yobbos/Muslims etc.