
Thursday, June 15, 2006

This Blog is Back 

We haven't gone away, you know.

Hasn't it been a bit quiet around here? No photos, no posts, nothing going on. You'd think we'd disappeared or something. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. We've been busy busy busy! I think that (unless you make a big effort) blogging is what happens when nothing much is going on in your life. When the going gets tough, sometimes the tough stop blogging, but you can rest assured that we're back now and will be keeping you up to date with developments.

But we have been busy and we have lots to get caught up on. Getting back from Arizona, finishing up my Masters courses, flying home to Belfast and then getting ready for what's going to happen in the next week or two. Speaking of this, we've been very careful about not putting it on the blog before it was all decided and settled, and we didn't want to spill the beans before we'd told everyone who needed to know, but for anyone who doesn't know, here is our Big News, at Last:

We're staying on in Canada (i.e. we're not coming home as planned)

WOW. There. We said it.

It's been the toughest decision that we've ever made, it's taken us a long time to come to it and we're still not sure if it's the right decision (how could you ever know?), but we've decided to go for it and see what happens. I'm moving to the University of Alberta as an Assistant Professor, while P is moving to the Provincial Headquarters of the Cancer Board to keep doing her current job. We've sold our house back in Carrick (happy new house, Denise and Roy), and packed up all our stuff into a container which arrived in Montreal yesterday (now it just has to come on a train to Edmonton and we'll be re-united with it). And we bought a great new house in Edmonton, about 10 minutes away from the hospital and the university. It's got 4 bedrooms, so there's plenty of room for guests (hint hint).

Our new place

As the more observant amongst you will have realised, this has some implications for the Carrick to Calgary blog, as we won't be in Calgary anymore. There were a number of options to handling this problem (including renaming this blog Carrick-to-Calgary-to-Edmonton.blogspot.com), but we've picked a nice new name for our new blog and it will be revealed in a few days time once we've completed our Big Move. In the meantime, we'll be rounding off this blog with a final blast through all our news and pictures of the last few months. So watch this space, there are more posts coming...

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