Monday, July 24, 2006
Photo Round-Up 3 (Mother Nature)
Just a little quickie here with a couple of interesting photos from Bragg Creek Provincial Park. As regular readers will know, 2005 was the summer of Simon and Sandy, a.k.a. "bringing the Great Flood with you on your holidays"/"Why does it always rain on me?" There was such an enormous amount of rainfall that people were washed away and the course of many rivers was permanently alerted. For instance, the river channel at Bowness Lagoon was completely silted up (no winter skating there this year) and Allan Bill Pond is no longer a pond at all, having become part of the river again. The Bow River passes through Bragg Creek Prov Park and we had been there in summer '04 with Mum and Dad White and had managed to use the stepping stones to wade across the river. Here's us picking out way across in '04:
And here's the same spot a year after the floods in 2005:
As you can see, the river's completely changed its course and is now all on one side of the sandbar which makes wading a bit of an issue. Also, there was a great deep spot by the bank which the local kids would use of for jumping into the river - this spot has now been replaced by sandy riverbank, which makes jumping in a bit less fun. The power of mother nature, eh?
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